Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Squashing "OOPS" Bugs

Squashing "OOPS" Bugs

Yes, your computer's got "bugs"- Some are due to "OOPS's"- the mistakes we make.
There are the classics- spilling coffee on/in the laptop, or dropping/sitting on it.  But there are many more OOPS's that no one taught us to avoid- some of them are:

  • Ignoring apps when they want to update
  • shutting off a computer with the power button
  • continuing to click the mouse on something if it is slow to respond at first
  • installing, but not properly configuring security programs
  • plugging the power cord directly into a wall outlet / not using a surge protector
  • ignoring error messages
  • never backing up files
  • using 1 simple password to secure everything
  • going anywhere, doing anything on the Internet without thought of consequences...
Most of us are never through the course of purchasing, setting up, or using our computers (this applies to tablets and smart phones too) taught this one essential rule:

  • Your computer is not like a toaster- you don't just unpack it, plug it in, and use it; rather, it is like a new baby or pet- it needs to be placed in a safe location, properly protected, "innoculated" with updates; when something goes wrong it needs immediate attention, and it needs to be handled with respect and healthy consideration.
Most OOPS problems can be avoided altogether with a little applied knowledge and maintenance.  You can experience sweet computing.  In coming blogs, we'll talk more about computer care and the rewards for doing it well.

NOTE: If you need help NOW, call us at KandiComp at (320)235-2701. or visit us on the web at

Stay tuned for, "First Things First"

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