Friday, March 13, 2015

Squashing "Incompatibility" Bugs

Squashing "Incompatibility" Bugs

Yes, your computer's got "bugs"- Some are due to incompatibilities.
Most programs were made to run well on a limited number of operating systems- i.e.: they work great on Windows 98 and XP, not at all on Windows 8.1. Likewise, most printers work well on Windows 8.1, many on Linux, some on OS X. And it's never smart to randomly run 2 security programs on the same computer- they may fight each other!

Don't worry, Friend- you can squash "Incompatibility" Bugs, and you can have a computer that runs sweet.  This is your game plan:

  1. Read the packaging (for your program or peripheral)- On it you will find the words, "System Requirements".  And beneath those words it will tell you what operating systems it runs on (for instance, a Windows XP printer may not work on Windows 8.1), how much memory and how much hard drive space your computer will need for it to run well.  If your computer doesn't meet the system requirements, you may need to upgrade parts of your computer.
  2.  If it's a hardware part or peripheral, try to stick with the same manufacturer. It is more likely they have designed their products to work in harmony together.
  3. Install 1- let me say it again, ONE full featured Internet security program from a trusted company (KandiComp recommends Bitdefender, Kaspersky, or Norton) to protect your computer. These programs are not designed to cooperate with the programs made by competing companies, and may actually disable protective components of one another, leaving your computer less protected than before (I'll say more about security in a later blog, so stay tuned).
This game plan will take you a long way towards enjoying a computer that truly runs sweet.

NOTE: If you need help NOW, call us at KandiComp at (320)235-2701. or visit us on the web at

Stay tuned for, "Squashing OOPS Bugs".

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